Auto Search
Product search auto complete is a powerful ajax based user friendly auto search extension for using quick product searching.
- Ajax based quick search
- Restricts the search result by product name, description, price, etc
- keywords related to the product
- Facility to customize the search result design by admin panel
- It supports all the templates
- Can’t corrupt any current functionality
Product search auto complete is a powerful ajax based user friendly auto search extension for using quick product searching.
Product search auto complete suggests and shows the pop-up with found products while typing in a search box. Quick search pop-up is fully customizable from admin panel. You can change every element, starting from the color of product names, backgrounds, borders and set the layout of the pop-up.
Support: More info contact us on
Download User Guide:
Auto Search User Guide- How can I purchase this extension?
You need to place an order for any extension then go to My account in My order section, you can download it.
General Questions
Any question?
Our goal is to find customers who believe in what we believe and work together so that we can all succeed.
We are not interested in sitting across the table from each other just in pursuit of a sweeter deal.